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  • ü 未年审 审核时间 2013-02-28
  • Ü 简介: 深圳市法林资讯有限公司,专业的法律翻译及法律英语培训提供商。www.lawincn.com 微信:法律英语
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置顶 本公司官方微信“法律英语”(微信号: Lawin_ )已在微信公众平台正式开播,该平台汇聚中美英各路法学和英语教学法专家,推送法律英语的文字和音频资料,欢迎关注并分享相关知识和经验。 ​​​​
涉外必修课| UK Legal System - 国际合同的适用法律和英国法律体系(音频),第一集——英国法律体系的宪法背景,录制者:英国律师:O涉外必修课| UK Legal System - 国际合同的适... #法律英语##涉外合同# ​​​​

涉外必修课| UK Legal System - 国际合同的适用法律和英国法律体系(音频)

铸基之旅,Carla律师邀您开启一段探索英国法律体系的旅程 Carla invites you to embar...
对铁链女系绑匪“家庭成员”及其婚姻的质疑,相关英文报道附音频:OWoman found chained is victim of trafficki... #小花梅与董某民婚姻是否有效宜重新认定# ​​​​

Woman found chained is victim of trafficking, authorities say

Gates Divorce- 文章要点:1. 离婚诉求由梅琳达向法院提起 2. 据法庭文件二人无婚前协议(prenup)3. 二人签署了分居协议(separation agreement)OGates Divorce| court docs reportedly revea...#美媒曝比尔盖茨离婚文件# ​​​​

Gates Divorce| court docs reportedly reveal: no prenup (无婚前协议)

3. 二人签署了分居协议(separation agreement) Melinda Gates was the...
在信息多元甚至混乱的世界里如何甄别真伪,保证自己没有被虚假信息所迷惑带偏?本篇以探寻余茂春(美国特朗普政府中国政策顾问)的硕士学位的过程聊信息获取渠道和研究方法: O从余茂春的硕士学位谈信息获取方法 ​​​​


美国总统匆忙任命巴雷特为最高院大法官后,民主党内pack the court的声音再现,何为court-packing,如何翻译更地道?见:O如何理解和翻译Court Packing? #美最高院大法官 ​​​​

如何理解和翻译Court Packing?

英国最高院院长Lady Hale将于2020年1月退休,12月18日英最高院为其举办了隆重、轻松、幽默的离别纪念会,直播视频链接:O仪式直播|UK Supreme Court President Lady H... #英国最高法院裁定首相休会违法# ​​​​

仪式直播|UK Supreme Court President Lady Hale Retires

英国最高院大法官Lady Hale将于2020年1月10日退休,12月18日上午9:30(北京时间下午17:30...
美方发布的贸易协议Fact Sheet(事实清单)Phase I Trade Agreement between US & China-Fact Sheet: OPhase I Trade Agreement between US & China... #中美第一阶段贸易协议文本达成一致# ​​​​

Phase I Trade Agreement between US & China-Fact Sheet

美众议院通过弹劾总统,英国Boris Johnson胜选,中美达成一阶段Trade Agreement-三厢共袭...
冈比亚诉缅甸针对罗兴亚人种族灭绝案(The Gambia v. Myanmar),国际法院(ICJ)庭审记录、缅方律师辩护词|昂山素季出庭 OICJ庭审记录|缅方律师辩护词、昂山素季出庭 #罗兴亚人# ​​​​


2019年12月10日开始,位于荷兰海牙的国际法院(International Court of Justic,...
DW(Deutsche welle德国国家电视台)资深记者Tim Sebastian 采访香港学生领袖全程视频及该记者背景: O完整视频:德记者对话香港学生代表 #接力守护香港# ​​​​


DW(Deutsche welle德国国家电视台)journalist Tim Sebastian interv...
庭审直播|3rd day UK supreme court hearing on parliament's suspension,观看庭审链接:
1. O网页链接(复制链接至浏览器观看)
2. O网页链接 有爬 墙能力的同学,可以使用这个链接,少卡顿还有字幕。O庭审直播|3rd day UK supreme court hearing ... ​​​​

庭审直播|3rd day UK supreme court hearing on parliament's suspension

The UK supreme court is hearing a challenge on Tuesday and Wednesday against Boris Johnson's decision to prorogue parliament for five weeks, a suspension campaigner Gina Miller and ex-PM John Major argue is unlawful. This is the second day of an expected three days of the hearing. 有关英国最高法院听取关于英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊将议会休会五周是否合法一事的审判中三天的庭审目前剩最后一天下午(英国时间)了,欢迎感兴趣的同学继续观看(观看链接在本文最后面)。 下面是午间休庭后,目前正在等待开庭的英国最高院法庭门口的情形:
Interim injunction to restrain persons from using HKIA 昨日香港最高院发布禁令(Injunction Order)使机场恢复运营秩序,因此我们应该信任香港的法制。禁令原文在此:O网页链接 #守护香港# ​​​​
Day 4 of Christensen Sentencing, 学校心理医生被禁止作证因法官考虑辩方已放弃罪犯心理问题的鉴定。more testifying from BC's teacher, professor to reflect his situation in universities:O章莹颖案|量刑Day 4: UI psychiatrist barred... ​​​​

章莹颖案|量刑Day 4: UI psychiatrist barred from testifying

A 2016 selfie provided by her family shows Yingying Zhang in a cap and gown for her graduate degree in environmental engineering from Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School. Provided by Zhang family PEORIA — A University of Illinois psychiatrist was scheduled to testify at 3 p.m. Thursday about her nine visits with Brendt Christensen the year before he kidnapped and killed Yingying Zhang. But while she was on her way to the federal courthouse in Peoria, prosecutors argued that she shouldn’t be allowed to testify, as Christensen’s lawyers previously dropped their plan to seek a mental-health defense.
章莹颖案量刑庭审第三天,辩方证人作证focus on criminal's child hood & family issues: O章莹颖案|量刑 Day 3: Defense focus: killer... ​​​​

章莹颖案|量刑 Day 3: Defense focus: killer’s childhood, family issues

Brendt Christensen's father, Michael, leaves the federal courthouse in Peoria on Wednesday, July 10, 2019, after testifying during the sentencing hearing for his son. PEORIA — Brendt Christensen’s lawyers began making their case Wednesday on why they think their client shouldn’t receive the death penalty while trying to avoid bringing attention to the fact that he kidnapped and killed Yingying Zhang. When questioning his childhood friends, third-grade teacher, uncles and father, they’ve focused on his family’s history of mental-health and alcohol issues and how good a child he was, smiling at memories of Christensen in a Power Rangers costume and a going-away dinner before he left Wisconsin for the University of Illinois.
